LitRock Outreach Services provides humanitarian services to impoverished individuals and families at no cost. At LitRock we believe in assisting less fortunate individuals simply by gathering donations of toiletries, clothing, shoes, food, books, or any other tangible donation including financial contribution, from caring people in the USA, and assigning the items to needy families where they are most needed. We are proud to announce that we have been doing the following:-
- Feeding program.
- Provide scholarships for high school drop out to go back to school.
- Provide musical instruments for unfortunate youths.
- Supply food baskets for the elderly.
- Ship clothing and other personal effects to the less fortunate.
- Provide business grants and opportunities for poor entrepreneurs.
- Donate personal effects to orphanages.
- Provide medical equipment for the underprivileged.
How You Can Help Us
Just Call at 215-200-3843 to make a donation
Our Mission & Vision
LitRock Outreach Services' mission is to help individuals in impoverished nations who are destitute of food, clothing, housing, education, also who need medical care.
What We do
LitRock Outreach Services is a non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical attention to poverty-stricken individuals that live in poor nations, this organization has the vision to reach out to individuals and institutions as far as the recourses will allow. Part of our vision is to:-
- Provide food for the poor.
- Provide clothing for the less fortunate.
- Provide shelter for the destitute & homeless.
- Provide education for the underprivileged.
- Provide medical services for the wounded.
- Provide grants to foster small business development.